If you live in Cragsmoor full-time or part-time, don’t ignore the Cragsmoor Association. CA is here to keep Cragsmoor “Cragsmoor”… not “Crags-less.”
To the new generation of residents that have discovered this magical place - a mountain hamlet that inspires artists and nature lovers; a retreat from the urban “edgies;” a flashback to “the way it was;” recognized in the National Register of Historic Places - I am happy for you and hope you will join us in the Cragsmoor Association. When I first discovered Cragsmoor’s special charisma, I wondered, “How can we keep something so unique in an era when real estate profiteers and local governments take advantage of financial opportunities, squeezing the inherent life out of Cragsmoor’s conglomerate "gunk rock” itself?” Deena and I have lived here for 13 years and experienced cliffhanging confrontations that might have changed the face of Cragsmoor. Some, without the dogged determination of CA members, might have left permanent scars transforming the identity of Cragsmoor to “Crags-less”. For example, confronting over-development. CA has addressed conservation issues throughout the community successfully, challenging several local development proposals that might have transformed the mountain forever. Along with Friends of the Shawangunks and Palisades Interstate Park Commission, CA battled a wind energy proposal that would have yielded over 650 wind turbines on 116 acres of ridge land owned by the Village of Ellenville. Similarly, CA has fought off significant cell tower constructions and other commercial endeavors which were determined to be inappropriate.
Throughout the 1990s and 2000s, Bear Hill visitation grew steadily. Offensive conduct by some, including drug use, littering, and graffiti on the cliffs became serious problems. In May 2012, CA began charging a fee to enter Bear Hill to help compensate for increasing management costs, including surveillance and monitoring, insurance, trail maintenance, trash removal, and signage. If you are a full-time or part-time resident of this unique mountain setting, the only true hamlet left in the Shawangunks, you should become a member of the CA. Here are my favorite reasons why you should join Cragsmoor Association: You’ll have a platform to express your thoughts in your community. You’ll have an annual pass to the inspirational Bear Hill. You’ll meet people who have something in common with you… Cragsmoor... nothing less.
Chuck Davidson
CA Board Trustee